Cleanliness in Hostels

Cleanliness is next to godliness                                                                                             

It doesn't matter how much you keep 'your side' clean, your room mate's side may disturb you. You can't make a move with the exception of reminding them occasionally to clean up. In any case, it just bounces off their heads.                                                                                                                                 
While you get a kick out of the chance to be composed, your flatmate may have faith in dumping everything on the seat. We, hostellers, are for the most part comfortable with 'the seat' that winds up imperceptible under the store of everything that leaves the almirah, just to be dumped on it. These sort of sanitary things may affect your health. To avoid this you and your roommates should collectively put the efforts.
                                                                  Keeping eatables in a stuffed jug Every single consumable thing must be kept inside a bundle or a holder. Nourishment ought not to dally around the room. This spreads flies and infections caused by them. Clean room increases concentration, relaxation and boosts energy. A good maintenance can eradicate all these things and make you comfortable in leading your life in a neat and hygienic manner.

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