Know The Differences Between Travel Blogging And Travel Writing

There is a difference between travel blogger and travel writer. One of the oft-repeated questions is how to become a travel blogger or how to become a travel writer. The following lines will let you know the difference between the both.

Aspects of  Publishing

Travel Writer - Priorities are all about selling the pitch to a publication.

Travel Blogger - The one who publishes the blog on his/her own.

The greatest distinction between a travel writer and a travel blogger is the place your cash originates from. Writers, as I am characterizing it, work for another person, either on staff or on an independent premise. Bloggers work for themselves and they are in charge of their own salary. Composing is a considerably more steady vocation in the event that you can land a position. The obstruction to section is higher than blogging, yet in the event that you can arrive at a gig(s), you can get cold hard cash for your endeavours. The boundary to the section in blogging is, low. It is extremely hard to emerge from whatever is left of the group enough to profit from it, not to mention attempting to bring home the bacon. Numerous individuals begin blogging with the objective of getting written work gigs, not turning into a full-time blogger. I think the hypothetical salary potential from blogging is more prominent than independent composition, yet it is substantially more hard to do and requires significant investment.


Many individuals think that expert authors are better journalists. I think there is a lot of truth to that. Concentrating on a solitary thing, not worrying about different parts of running the distribution, longer lead times, and having an editorial manager will enhance quality. I have no editors and depend on companions and perusers to call attention to glaring linguistic and spelling mistakes. Give me an entire week to rework and an editorial manager and I'm certain the quality will move forward.


Most of the writers do not own what they have written. The publisher owns it as he paid for the writer. Once they finish a project they move on to the next one. You might not have the rights to the thing you’ve done. As a blogger, you should own everything. Everything you produce will bring in readers via search engines. You don’t have to worry about non-compete contracts.

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