Test Automation Services

Automation Testing
It is an automatic technique where the tester writes the script by own and uses suitable software to test the software. Automation testing uses automation tools to write and execute test cases, it requires no manual involvement while executing an automated test suite. Usually, testers write test scripts and test cases using the automation tool and then group into test suites. The ultimate theme of Automation testing is to increase test efficiency and to improve the quality of the software. Creotech provides you with qualified test engineers to look after the issues and errors. Follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/creotechsolutions/
Automation testing is to test and compare the actual outcome with the expected outcome.  The developed software always has defects. Test engineers try to rectify the defects before the product is released but they always creep in and they often reappear, even with the best manual testing processes. Test Automation software is the best way to increase the effectiveness of software testing.

Creotech approach includes

  • Automation Assessment, Advisory & Transformation Services
  • Automation Framework Development
  • Automation Testing Tool Feasibility
  • Custom Test Harness Development
  • Automation Test Suite Development & Maintenance
Creotech promotes your businesses in a better way. For more details visit our official website 
Mobile: 9704911159
Email: info@creotechsolutions.net

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