Do You Know What Is Travel Writing ?

Travel writing 

It is writing about places, persons, things, traditions and the situations you have come across while travelling. It is also to help the readers how to travel when to travel, and it gives the best advice on travelling. It's about relaying your travel experiences to others so that they may emulate them and helps them not to make the same mistakes you did.


Writing about the places you see, like and fall in love with in this huge wonderful world is a very interesting experience for any writer. Basing our direct experiences we might be tempted to make recommendations about places or to describe with our own words the feelings and pleasures roused by a certain corner we were lucky enough to discover.

The easiest and most affordable way to do it is by taking pictures. They are just one click away and, unless you do not intend to make after an exhibition or to publish in a glossy review, you do not need extraordinary skills. The widespread use of digital cameras offers to anybody, up to the account and interests, the possibility to fix your memory in pictures, easy to download and easy to share – off or online. A picture might talk the language of thousands of words of a potential book. And you do not need too much inspiration for taking them: be in the right place, at the right moment and click. It is all you need – not, as in the case of writing, a special space, silence, a notebook or a computer.

Write exactly the point of your piece

The biggest mistake I’ve seen writers make is they don’t know the point they’re trying to make, so they can’t possibly communicate it. When you sit down to write your tips and tales from the road, ask yourself: what do I want the reader to learn from this? What’s the takeaway? Then craft a tightly constructed piece that leads, step by step, to that lesson-point. Do this, and you’ll have made a significant leap along the travel writer’s path.


Always remember that the principal individuals who found the world were individuals lacking the most piece of the psychological solace we have today. They didn't have maps, or planes to move from a place to another, not even word references for entering in contact with nearby populaces, all the time threatening. For a considerable length of time, travel was quite a while and perilous venture. We have a thousand more chances to find in an existence places found and distinguished in hundreds of years. What we lost now and again is the ability to ponder, to see each place as an alternate one, deserving of regard and opening as a conceivable new point of view on life and the new window to the world and ourselves.

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