Health Basic Essentials To Pack For Your Backpacking Trip

Backpackers have to travel a lot. In the meanwhile, they are supposed to eat various types of food, sometimes it may affect their health. So be prepared to prevent it in the initial stages rather than suffering later

Plasters and/or gauze: Again, this is about minimising infection. Don’t skimp on these unless it’s unavoidable - those cheapo plasters that work fine when you’re kicking around at home won’t last five minutes when you’re on the road.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatories (e.g. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen): They’ll come in handy if you get a cold or flu, have a mild fever or allergic reaction, sprain something, or just wake up with a crushing hangover. Serious fevers or allergic reactions will need proper medical attention.

Insect repellent: This isn’t just about warding off malaria-carrying mosquitoes - you’ll want it wherever there are bitey things, from the West African coast to the Finnish lakes to British beer gardens. Being bitten just plain sucks, and if you’re sensitive to it, it can leave nasty, itchy welts.

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