How To Stay Safe And Protect Yourself From Theft While Travelling

While you are busy travelling, you might be unaware of the things that you carry along with. It's better to be cautious when you go to a new place surrounded by unknown people.

Always tap your pockets

Always be aware of your things on your person or left behind you. You never know what's gonna happen the next moment. Never ever trust the strangers easily. Keep your valuables in shirt pocket instead of back pockets, they are never safe. Thiefs can snatch your valuables easily from the back pocket.

How to wear your backpack 

1. Always wear both shoulder straps rather than slinging your backpack with one strap on one shoulder. It takes a moment longer but this simple habit can help prevent problems.                                                                                  
2. Adjust the shoulder straps so the backpack is high on your back and the shoulder straps are comfortable on your shoulders. The pack should not extend past your waist—it should ride an inch or more above your hips.

3. Readjust the straps when you are wearing different thicknesses of clothing so they are not too tight nor too loose.

Be careful after the money withdrawal        

ATM"s are places where there is a higher probability of chances for occurrence of theft and robbery. Always have a look at others, who may follow you for your money.                                                                              

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